Gessan Makine Elektrik İmalat Montaj San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.
GESSAN MACHINERY is becoming a pioneer in the field of Machine Design, Production and Machine Installations, Spare Parts and Machining, as well as various Copper Inductors, Large Size Pipe Clamps and all kinds of components for steel, pipe, profile and other sectors.
Services & Products
- Pipe & Profile Industry
- Design & Engineering
- Machine Manufacturing
- Factory & Machinery Set up
- Kaynak İndüktörü İmalatı
- Steel Construction
- Maintenance & Revision
- Machining
- Mechanical Spare Part Manufacturing
- Mechanical Test Sample
- Rollforming Spool
- Welding Inductor
- Internal Deburring Systems
- Equipment Manufacturing
- Occupational Safety & Fence Systems
Karadenizliler Mh. Ordulu Cd. No:50/0 Başiskele/KOCAELİ
+90 262 349 30 50
+90 262 335 19 38